Schrock Innovations’ Papillion Service Center Construction Progressing

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  • Written on: September 16th, 2011

Schrock Innovations’ new Papillion, NE Service Center is coming along, so I thought I would post a construction update.

Things have been busy lately, so these pictures are about a week old. Since they were taken electrical and data wiring is in place, the bathroom is complete (very important!) and Carberry Construction is starting on the floors.


The front desk is in place. Carberry fabricated the desk and topped it with black granite. We implemented a new feature in the front desk of the Papillion Service Center. Notice the lowered section of the front desk. We need the front counter to be tall enough for check writing and service, but sometimes it is tough for our customers to lift their computers up there.

The new lowered section is an experiment to see if we can get the best of both worlds.

The walls have been painted and the hanging electrical drops are in place.

We are just waiting on the floors to begin bench installation, inventory shelf delivery, and utility hook up.

Then the real fun begins!

If everything goes well, we are planning the grand opening for the weekend of October 8th.

Schrock Innovations Computer and Cell Phone Recycling Event

  • Comments: 18
  • Written on: May 14th, 2011

Schrock Innovations is holding a special recycling event May 21 and 22 in their Lincoln and Omaha Service Centers. If you have old computers or cell phones around the house and you have been looking for a safe and easy way to recycle them, this is your opportunity!

May 21 and 22 Schrock will take any computer related equipment or cell phone equipment and accessories absolutely FREE. There are a few limitations if you have a ton of stuff to bring in, so read up on all of the details on the Schrock Website.

Don’t miss this chance to recycle your old gear safely and protect the environment!

Thor Schrock Introduces the Ultimate Upgrade Computer Sale on the Morning Blend

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: May 3rd, 2011

Thor Schrock was a guest on KMTV Channel 3’s morning show, the Morning Blend to talk about Schrock Innovations 2011 Ultimate Upgrade Sale.

The best part was when he spooked Mike DiGiacomo by just knowing he had a Commodore VIC-20 in his basement that he could trade in if he wanted to.

Take a look at the video. The sale is going on at Schrock Innovations through May 7, 2011.

Surge Damage Examples in Real Life and How You Can Protect Your Equipment

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: April 12th, 2011

While many people think about surge damage during severe weather season, the truth is that surges do not have a season – they attack your equipment all year-round and you need to have surge protectors to keep your valuable electronics safe.

Today I was a guest on KMTV’s Morning Blend show where we discussed real examples of surge damage that Schrock Innovations has repaired in their Service Centers and how you can keep your equipment safe.

Audible Alert Surge Protectors on Sale at Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: April 8th, 2011

Until 4/17/2011 (or as long as supplies last) Schrock Innovations has our Audible Alert surge protectors on sale for 50% off the regular retail price!

Normally these units sell for $60 each, but this week only you can get the peace of mind that an Audible Alert surge protector provides for only $34.99.

We only have 100 of these units arriving on Tuesday. These are very popular and difficult to find in large quantities.

There is no quantity limitation on how many you can buy at the sale price. We recommend getting as many as you need for your home or office, and then one extra to have in reserve.

Contact either of our Service Centers NOW to reserve your units while they last.

Take a Moment to Check Your Surge Protector

In Nebraska the average surge protector needs to be replaced once each year.

The trouble is that you can’t really tell if your surge protector is working for you or if it is worn out and working like a glorified extension cord.

Over time, a surge protector sacrifices its self to block surges. Once the surge protector has taken all of the damage it can handle, surges pass right through it as if it wasn’t even there.

Even if your surge protector has a “protected” light, it may simple be an LED that stays lit regardless of your surge protectors remaining capabilities.

What is an Audible Alert Surge Protector?

Audible Alert surge protectors (only available at Schrock Innovations) take the guess work out of protecting your valuable equipment.

When an Audible Alert surge protector can no longer protect your computer, flat screen TV, or other electronic device it begins chirping like a cricket.

You will know EXACTLY when it is time to buy a new surge protector because it will tell you.

Because you know with certainty when to replace your surge protector, you can use it for a longer period of time saving your money while you keep your equipment safe.

What Features Does the Audible Alert Surge Protector Have?

Aside from the Audible Alert warning technology, this surge protector has some other great features that set it apart from most older models:

* 10′ Shielded cord gives you the length you need
* Right Angle plug lies flat against the wall, allowing you to push furniture all the way back to the wall
* 1040 joules of protection ensure a long life
* 5 regular outlets and three spaced outlets to handle all of the devices you use
* Automatic grounding detection warns you if your outlet is not properly grounded

How Can I Tell if My Surge Protector is Worn Out?

If you don’t remember the last time you purchased a surge protector it is time replace it. Surge protectors cannot heal themselves.

Look for these tell-tale signs of a warn out surge protector when you examine yours:

* Dim, flickering or extinguished power light in switch
* No protected light whatsoever
* Metal bodies or components indicate the unit is over 25 years old
* Thick, heavy dust is a great indicator of “time in service”

PC Maintenance Checkup Sale a Big Hit at Schrock Innovations

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  • Written on: March 20th, 2011

Schrock Innovations‘ PC Maintenance Checkup Sale is by far one of the most popular times of the year to bring a computer into their computer repair Service Centers.

Over the past week Schrock’s technicians have been pulling overtime to keep up with demand.

As you can see, as soon as Schrock launched the sale computers started pouring in to the Service Centers.

By the end of the first day more than 100 computers had arrived for the $30 maintenance offer. Throughout the course of the sale Schrock took in over 1,000 systems for maintenance between Omaha and Lincoln, NE.

The load was unusually weighted toward desktop computers over laptops. Over the past couple years Schrock has seen a steady shift away from desktop computers toward notebooks.

The company has also been advertising on FM radio stations for the past 9 months which tends to bring in a younger demographic who prefer the portability of a notebook over a desktop. Either way, it was a little surprising to see the desktop hanging in there in the quantity department.

Schrock;’s customers oftn hear that the Maintenance Checkup Sale is going on for “one week only,” but in reality Schrock’s technicians have been working under a load of 100+ computers in queue for more than 3 weeks now.

When Schrock launches a sale this big, it is always a challenge to keep turn-around times reasonable the customer.

To help moderate the work flow, Schrock will email customers about the sale first, then work through the bulk of that response before taking it live on the radio.

Schrock emailed over 8,500 customers about the sale and the response was immediate and intense.

While a flood of Schrock’s existing customers was expected, we were all shocked to see that about 20% of the computers coming in after the email were new customers. Apparently the sale announcement email went viral with customers forwarding it to their friends and relatives.

All in all, Schrock’s technicians have been putting in 60-70 hours a week EACH in an attempt to keep up with the demand. With the sale ending today at 5 PM they should have everything back to normal again in each Service Center within a few days.

Thank you Schrock customers for another amazingly productive Maintenance Checkup Sale!

New Schrock Innovations Commercial Shows the Importance of PC Maintenance

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: March 11th, 2011

This week Schrock Innovations launched a new commercial in Lincoln and Omaha promoting the PC Preventative Maintenance Checkup Sale that is running through March 20th at both Schrock Innovations’ locations.

In the commercial you will see a computer’s processor fan that is almost 50% constricted by dust.

While Schrock does a lot more than a physical cleaning during a Maintenance Checkup, there is no disputing that the 8 hours of work that goes into a checkup is worth the $29.99 sale price!

Contact Schrock Innovations today for more information about the sale.

Why Your Computer Needs Preventative Maintenance

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: March 8th, 2011

Schrock Innovations will be holding our first Preventative Maintenance Checkup Sale of 2010 starting this weekend, March 12, 2011 through March 20, 2011. Although we are “officially” launching the sale on this weekend’s Compute This radio show, you are invited to bring your PC in now and beat the inevitable rush! Last week I was […]

Schrock’s Omaha Computer Repair Service Center Coming Along Nicely

  • Comments: 16
  • Written on: September 13th, 2010

Over the past two weeks I think I have been busier than at any other point in my life. Most of the work I have been doing surrounds the launch of our new Computer Repair Service Center in Omaha, NE.

Side view of our Omaha Computer Repair Service Center

Rear View of our Omaha Computer Repair Service Center

Front View of Our Omaha Computer Repair Service Center

We had a big hold up on the permits (over six weeks!) but finally the City of Omaha got us everything we needed and our general contractor was able to get started on our job.

We got a lot of things right when we built our new Lincoln Service Center in 2008. We also overlooked some things that we plan on doing better in the Omaha Service Center. For example:

  • Lincoln has too much display space an not enough bench space – Lincoln has 26 bench spots and Omaha will have 40
  • While our concrete counters look great, they are hard to keep clean. We decided on stainless steel for Omaha’s display fixtures
  • Although our conference room in Lincoln is handy, it is wasted space. We eliminated it in Omaha and replaced it with a high top table and some stools.

With any luck construction should be complete on our bay by the last week of September and we should be ready to service customers by October 3. Stay tuned and I will keep you posted!

Schrock Making Big Changes in Omaha

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: October 25th, 2009

Schrock Innovations opened its Omaha Service Center in 2003. Due in large part to its local Omaha radio show, the service center was an overnight success.

Unfortunately, the station we were on flipped formats and we were not able to find another Omaha AM station that could match the success we initially had.

As many of our Omaha customers know, we regouped by concentrating all of our technical operations in Lincoln while focusing all of our web development services in Omaha. This allowed us to maintain a token presence in Omaha and honor the warranties we had issued and service the customers who placed their trust in us.

In early 2009, we moved into our new $825,000 Service Center in Lincoln and found that the simple change in visibility DOUBLED our sales and profitability overnight. That Service Center is now bringing in over 62 new customers each and every month.

Omaha’s Time Has Come

With all of our efforts going toward staffing, equipping, and launching our new Lincoln location, Omaha went without significant attention for over 12 months.

That is all about to change now.

Yesterday was the last day that our present Omaha location was open for business. We have closed the Omaha location at 3032 N. 93rd and transferred all web development services to competent staff in Lincoln.

We are still honoring our warranties and serving our Omaha customers – we are just bringing our service to them rather than making them come in to us.

New Service Center in the Works

I can’t say too much about it at the moment, but I can tell all of our Omaha customers that a new Service Center is in the works. This location will operate similarly to our famed Lincoln location with one notable exception.

This location will be geared toward mobile repair services rather than in-shop repair.

Our new location is tentatively set to open for business in the late first quarter of 2010.

Award Winning Service COntinues in Omaha

If you are a Schrock Omaha customer, you can still call our local Omaha phone number, 934-9423, and we will schedule an appointment that works with your schedule to come to your home or business to repair your PC or to take it back to our Lincoln Service Center for repair.

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