Steve Borland Joins the Schrock Innovations Team

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  • Written on: June 19th, 2009

Schrock Innovations has hired Steve Borland to head our Data Recovery Division!

Steve is a promising technician and an entrepreneur in his own right. His company, Minaska Outdoors, makes some of the highest quality gaming calls on the market. His made-in-the-USA products can be found in retail locations like Cabella’s. The electronic game calls his company produces can bring animals within 10 feet with the push of a button!

Why Schrock Likes to Hire Entrepreneurs

Steve started his company from the ground up. Now that he has people performing the company’s day-to-day operations, he thought it was time to try something new. Steve is returning to his PC roots to use his 10+ years of experience for Schrock’s customers.

Some company owners are hesitant to hire people who have an entrepreneurial blend of talents. A smart business owner is one who is willing to hire people who can do things he can’t do – or doesn’t have the time to do. Rather than feeling threatened by an employee’s drive and ambition, smart business owners visualize the amazing things that could be accomplished if their company was able to harness those entrepreneurial abilities.

Midlands Business Journal Asks About Data Backup and Recovery

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: June 16th, 2009

The Midlands Business Journal runs some really informative articles on subjects and trends that can seem daunting to many business owners. When they are doing a feature on a technology related subject they will often ask for some comments on the basic questions they plan on writing about in the feature.

Michelle Leach is one of the MBJ’s most talented writers and she recently sent me an email with some questions about data recovery and data backup. Here were some of the questions she asked and how I answered them:

How to Start a Data Recovery Center

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: January 6th, 2009

My friend Steve from called me up the other day because he heard that Schrock Innovations was about to launch a data recovery service center.

We did a phone interview about what goes into creating a data recovery center and how data recovery pricing structures work. You can listen to the 53 minute interview here.

We would like to sign up 50 or more affiliates in February. To accomplish that we are thinking about paying commissions around 40% of the total recovery charge for every paying referral the affiliate sends us. To give comparison, other recovery companies with affiliate programs pay between $25 and $100 per referral.

Based on our pricing structure, affiliates can expect to make between $240 and $800 per referral. Considering that our data recovery center is charging less than 1/2 of what other similarly equipped centers charge, we should get off to a pretty good start.

Data Recovery up and Running at Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: December 19th, 2008

New data recovery equipment at Schrock Innovations is allowing our technicians to recover data for customers in ways that are not available anywhere else in the Midwest

Schrock Innovations to Launch Data Recovery Center in 2009

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: November 8th, 2008

As always, you will never hear us tell you not to back up your data. But if circumstance gets the better of you, Schrock Innovations will soon have the key you need to unlock your data from a failed hard drive.

DriveSavers Steps Up For Nebraska Tornado Victims

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: June 9th, 2008

Drive Savers has offered a VERY GENEROUS 30% discount for all jobs we send them related to Nebraska tornado damage through July 9th, 2008. I say very generous because the data recovery industry never works for free and rarely gives a discount.

Schrock Innovations Offers Free Data Recovery and Computer Repair for Omaha Tornado Victims

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: June 8th, 2008

Schrock Innovations wants to do its part to help those who were victims of the storm by offering free computer repair services as well as data recovery services for damaged hard drives.

Where Do All of the Dead Hard Drives Go?

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: May 1st, 2008

If you have ever wondered how data recover works when your poor backup habits come back to bite you, you should watch this video. It pretty much says it all.

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