How to Start a Data Recovery Center
- Comments: 4
- Written on: January 6th, 2009
My friend Steve from called me up the other day because he heard that Schrock Innovations was about to launch a data recovery service center.
We did a phone interview about what goes into creating a data recovery center and how data recovery pricing structures work. You can listen to the 53 minute interview here.
We would like to sign up 50 or more affiliates in February. To accomplish that we are thinking about paying commissions around 40% of the total recovery charge for every paying referral the affiliate sends us. To give comparison, other recovery companies with affiliate programs pay between $25 and $100 per referral.
Based on our pricing structure, affiliates can expect to make between $240 and $800 per referral. Considering that our data recovery center is charging less than 1/2 of what other similarly equipped centers charge, we should get off to a pretty good start.
Welcome to Motive InteractiveMotive Interactive to Launch The Motive Network
- Comments: 1
- Written on: October 6th, 2008
Motive Interactive is launching a new advertising network called The Motive Network designed to combine a publisher centric advertising network and a direct lead generation network into one synchronized entity
Why the PepperjamNetwork Team Dominated Top Affiliate Challenge
- Comments: 5
- Written on: July 24th, 2008

No mater what your opinion of the Top Affiliate Challenge is, it was pretty undeniable that the Pepperjam Network team ran circles around the competition. There are a lot of logistical reasons this happened – Jonathan VanClute and Carl Zetterlund (the first and second placing contestants) were both on that team. Ken McArthur guided the […]
Leadscon 08 Was Awesome – Well Done Jay!
- Comments: 4
- Written on: April 7th, 2008
I have spent the past couple days in Las Vegas at Leadscon 08. This is the first conference that separated lead generation from the affiliate marketing space. Some people don’t really think there is much of a difference between lead generation and affiliate marketing, and others say it’s about time that someone gave lead gen its own conference.
Why Businesses Can’t Ignore Their Websites – a LIBA Presentation
- Comments: 0
- Written on: August 11th, 2006
Schrock Innovations is sponsoring August’s LIBA Lunch meeting next Tuesday. I will be addressing the membership about the often underestimated value of a website as part of a well rounded marketing plan. I also had a corresponding article published as part of this month’s LIBA Magazine that is mailed to the membership.
Although the majority of my prepared remarks have been ready for well over 2 weeks, I will have an 8 lb 12 oz. helper who will help me drive home the value of a well constructed and deployed website.