Why the PepperjamNetwork Team Dominated Top Affiliate Challenge
- Comments: 5
- Written on: July 24th, 2008

No mater what your opinion of the Top Affiliate Challenge is, it was pretty undeniable that the Pepperjam Network team ran circles around the competition.
There are a lot of logistical reasons this happened – Jonathan VanClute and Carl Zetterlund (the first and second placing contestants) were both on that team. Ken McArthur guided the team unwaveringly throughout the show. They all worked as a team, and even in individual challenges, they won as a team.
Al of these things aside, there were some behind the scenes reasons why the team did so well promoting offers from the Pepperjam Network. We had a ton of great sponsors on the show who all went above and beyond, but only a few got the results that the Pepperjam Team enjoyed.
Kris Jones was PERSONALLY Available
For those of you who don’t know, Kris Jones is a pretty laid back guy. He knows what he is doing, sets his mind on a course of action and then executes. If Kris was not up and on Google Chat, his wife Robyn was and between the two of them the Peperjam Network team had ANYTHING it needed day or night.
Payout bumps? Granted. Funds for buying traffic? Provided. 100% Transparency Rating? Granted. No matter what Ken and his team needed, the folks at Pepperjam were there to make things happen.
High Paying and High Converting Offers
Payout bumps aside, Pepperjam is stocked with offers that have a history of high-conversions and solid payouts. Getting an offer on the Pepperjam Network as an advertiser is a challenging thing to do. They don’t accept everyone and they truly think about an offer from an affiliate’s view point before they make it available.
The Pepperjam Network Team took the long term view and started promoting offers equipped with 45-day cookies. When all of the other teams were shooting for a single day payout, the Pepperjam Network Team took advantage of John Chow’s lackadaisical leadership and started building an empire.
As you watch each episode of the show, when we threw a challenge at the contestants that took the better part of a day to complete, the Pepperjam Network team continued building their team bank accounts because their cookies were working for them, earning commissions from clicks that happened days ago.
Better Advertiser – Network Relationships
There were countless times on the show when one of the contestants wanted to do something that was not allowed by a program like incentivising a non-incentivisable offer. For the most part, the contestants did what any affiliate would do. They approached their affiliate manager and asked permission. MOst of the time it was denied because rules are set up for a reason.
The difference with the PepperjamNetwork is that they have relationships with their advertisers unlike anything I have experienced before. A simple request that would normally be denied could get approved because Kris, Robyn, or another person on the Pepperjam Network management team was able to go to the advertiser, explain the situation, show value, and get a positive decision. In an industry that is all about relationships, that kind of power goes a long way.
There was a lot that went on behind the scenes between contestants and affiliate networks that we simply could not fit into an episode. Over the next few weeks I will outline some of the other sponsors on the show and what they did to make a difference for the affiliates who used their network.
Have you tried Pepperjam Network yet? IF so what do you like about it? If not, why haven’t you?
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