Obama Inauguration Live Stream Sponsored by Schrock Innovations

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  • Written on: January 20th, 2009

The telecast of Barack Obama’s inauguration as the 44th President of the United States is happening in the middle of the afternoon today.

If you are at work and can’t watch a television, you can visit the KOLN/KGIN website and watch the inauguration live on the Associated Press Web Stream.

Thor Schrock Endorses Stenberg in US Senate Race

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  • Written on: May 2nd, 2006

People pick political candidates for odd reasons sometimes. In this election, Nebraska politics is really interesting because you have a ton of qualified candidates all from the same party who are vying for the same jobs. In the case of the Nebraska US Senate Race, voters will have an opportunity to select the Republican who will face off against Ben Nelson (D. Neb) in the general election.

I must admit that I had a tough time choosing between Don Stenberg, Pete Rickets, and Dave Kramer. All three have very attractive qualities – Don is an experienced hand at politics and could use that experience for his constituents; Pete is an outsider who has the brains and the connections to get things done without the usual political strings that get attached to a candidate who has to beg for money to run; and Dave has helped countless other candidates get elected over the years and a LOT of people owe him a LOT of favors, which could be called in in the interests of the people.

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