Big Announcements Coming in the Days Ahead

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: December 4th, 2009

I am very aware that I have been absent from writing here for many days. There has been a lot going on, so I thought I would mention a few of the things here briefly to tweak your curiosity and then come back with more detailed posts in the coming days.

Here’s a few of the things I have been up to:

  1. Entertained a bid from a group of investors interested in buying Schrock Innovations (and turned them away)
  2. Selling our current home and moving into a new 4500 square foot home in Papillion, NE (yes, right before Christmas)
  3. Laying the groundwork for an announcement about our weekly radio show, Compute This – If you like the show now, just wait until you hear what is coming next
  4. Closed down our Omaha, NE Service Center in preparation for building our new (and permanent) Omaha facility in 2010
  5. Assisting in the development of a new Website Marketing Division at Three Eagles Communications
  6. Preparing for the official launch of the Top IT Shop Consulting Website
  7. Teaching my son Jake how to play Wii Boxing 🙂

Its a lot, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. More updates to come in the upcoming days!

Schrock Innovations Wins 2009
Best of Lincoln Award

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: October 28th, 2009

I was just informed the Schrock Innovations won #1 Independent Computer Repair Company in the Three Eagles Communications Best of Lincoln contest for the 8th year in a row!

Other winners were Best Buy and Quick Tek. This award comes on the heels of Schrock winning the Nebraska Retail Federation’s 2009 Customer Service Business of the Year.

This year the voting for Best of Lincoln was spread over all of Three Eagles local stations. The station group owns most of the top-rated radio stations in the city. Voters were told to go to the website of the station they were listening to to vote in over 60 different business categories.

Listeners had to vote for a super-majority of the business categories for their vote to count.

Thank you to all of the listeners and customers that took the time to vote for Schrock Innovations. Schrock takes its service lvels very seriously, and awards like these let us know we are on the right track.

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