Newegg Ships Fake Intel i7 CPUs, Blames IPEX

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: March 9th, 2010 is reporting that famed computer component distributor Newegg may have been duped into shipping fake Intel Core i7 Processors to its customers. Newegg is currently conducting a thorough investigation surrounding recent shipments of questionable Intel Core i7-920 CPUs purchased from Initially, the investigation pointed to possible “demo units” that were shipped by accident, […]

The Pentium Processor is Dead

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  • Written on: July 28th, 2006

Adios. Its over. No more Blueman Group, no more Weird Al Yankovic songs, no more MMX – Pentium is dead. The Pentium-Class processor officially ended its 13-year run as Intel’s flagship processor today, while its replacement, the Core 2 Duo, takes center stage.

When the Pentium processor was released in 1993, it revolutionized the world of computing. Intel’s unique microarchitecture allowed a processor to complete tens of thousands of instructions much more quickly than its predecessor, the 486dx. Rivals soon fell by the wayside as the Pentium overdrive processor boosted processing speeds to a staggering (at the time) 90 MHz. Technologies like MMX allowed for more detailed graphic processing than ever. The Pentium processor was a recommended system requirement for Windows 95, and the world took its first toddler steps into home supercomputing.

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