Top Organic Pages for 2008 From My Blog

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: January 11th, 2009

I was taking a lazy Sunday looking over my Google Analytics data from 2008 to see what kind of posts brought the most organic search traffic.

I dropped the calendar back to January ’08 and did a traffic source search. I was surprised to see what turned up. Here is a list of the top 6 most frequently visited pages on this blog through organic search in 2008:

Technology Meets the Trash Can – Mr. Sticky is Officially Retired

  • Comments: 15
  • Written on: March 14th, 2007

The man doing the demonstration used his Mr. Sticky to pick up all sorts of dirt, hair, and other unmentionables on his hard-wood demo set. He would pick things up, rinse it off, and like magic, it was clean again and ready for action. After watching it work wonders in front of the crowd, we decided to make Mr. Sticky a part of our home for the low, low price of $29.99.

So how did this wonderful piece of 21st century cleaning technology find its way into the trash this weekend? For starters, Mr. Sticky is a 1.5″ diameter roller coated with a sticky silly-putty-like substance. Just like in the demo, it worked great for picking up pet hair and the like, but after a couple rotations of the roller, its surface was covered and could not pick up anything else.

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