Tip # 21 – Get Paid for Reviewing Other Websites

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: April 23rd, 2007

A more subtle way to monetize your blog is to get paid by other website owners to write up a high-quality review of their site and present it to your readers.

In the past this has been difficult because bloggers would have to track down advertisers and strike their own deals. This was time consuming, as it soaked up valuable content creation time. But the process is getting easier thanks to some nifty third part websites out there.

The website ReviewME is a marketplace where advertisers can browse a catalogue of blogs and purchase paid reviews on those blogs at a fixes price. The fixed price is originally determined by ReviewME, and is based on your Technorati ranking as well as your Alexa traffic data. (See! I told you to install that toolbar!) A review on my blog for example, will cost you $40. Some bloggers (like Shoemoney) get upwards of $2500 per review – and companies BUY them!

You can also adjust the price of your reviews when needed. The $40 price on my blog was established earl;y this month, and since then my traffic, readership and Technorati rankings have all increased dramatically. I could probably ask more for a review, but I would rather get a few under my belt first.

So pay attention to your rankings and do whatever you can to raise them, as this is the ONLY easy way to make money doing reviews.

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