Windows 7 Coming Home For Christmas?

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: May 9th, 2009

This is not unlike the upgrade program that was offered by many PC manufacturers to avoid the problem that always plagued OEM’s just before the release of Windows Vista. People tend to wait for the new OS rather than continuing to buy PCs as they normally would. The end result is an unnaturally slow quarter for manufacturers followed by a massive next quarter. The upgrade offer tends to smooth things out a bit.

It is important to note that manufacturers may choose to extend this offer back even further at their own expense to include users who purchased computers before July 1.

The Vista Compatibility Dance Begins…

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: September 27th, 2006

Each time Microsoft releases a “bigger and better” operating system, it seems that someones favorite program is obsoleted because it is not compatible with the latest version of Windows. While Microsoft’s efforts at improving the compatibility mode settings in Windows Vista will help programs, many others will simply not work with Windows Vista.

A new Wiki posted on lists a number programs that work well with Windows Vista. However more importantly, it also lists programs that have minor issues with Vista, or that are completely incompatible. I have compiled a short list of some of the more popular programs that appeared on their list here. Is your favorite program Vista compatible?

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