Audible Alert Surge Protectors on Sale at Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: April 8th, 2011

Until 4/17/2011 (or as long as supplies last) Schrock Innovations has our Audible Alert surge protectors on sale for 50% off the regular retail price!

Normally these units sell for $60 each, but this week only you can get the peace of mind that an Audible Alert surge protector provides for only $34.99.

We only have 100 of these units arriving on Tuesday. These are very popular and difficult to find in large quantities.

There is no quantity limitation on how many you can buy at the sale price. We recommend getting as many as you need for your home or office, and then one extra to have in reserve.

Contact either of our Service Centers NOW to reserve your units while they last.

Take a Moment to Check Your Surge Protector

In Nebraska the average surge protector needs to be replaced once each year.

The trouble is that you can’t really tell if your surge protector is working for you or if it is worn out and working like a glorified extension cord.

Over time, a surge protector sacrifices its self to block surges. Once the surge protector has taken all of the damage it can handle, surges pass right through it as if it wasn’t even there.

Even if your surge protector has a “protected” light, it may simple be an LED that stays lit regardless of your surge protectors remaining capabilities.

What is an Audible Alert Surge Protector?

Audible Alert surge protectors (only available at Schrock Innovations) take the guess work out of protecting your valuable equipment.

When an Audible Alert surge protector can no longer protect your computer, flat screen TV, or other electronic device it begins chirping like a cricket.

You will know EXACTLY when it is time to buy a new surge protector because it will tell you.

Because you know with certainty when to replace your surge protector, you can use it for a longer period of time saving your money while you keep your equipment safe.

What Features Does the Audible Alert Surge Protector Have?

Aside from the Audible Alert warning technology, this surge protector has some other great features that set it apart from most older models:

* 10′ Shielded cord gives you the length you need
* Right Angle plug lies flat against the wall, allowing you to push furniture all the way back to the wall
* 1040 joules of protection ensure a long life
* 5 regular outlets and three spaced outlets to handle all of the devices you use
* Automatic grounding detection warns you if your outlet is not properly grounded

How Can I Tell if My Surge Protector is Worn Out?

If you don’t remember the last time you purchased a surge protector it is time replace it. Surge protectors cannot heal themselves.

Look for these tell-tale signs of a warn out surge protector when you examine yours:

* Dim, flickering or extinguished power light in switch
* No protected light whatsoever
* Metal bodies or components indicate the unit is over 25 years old
* Thick, heavy dust is a great indicator of “time in service”

It’s Time to Check Your Surge Protector

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: May 24th, 2008

No one really thinks about the surge protector that lays quietly in a pool of dust and pet hair under your desk. At least once a year we try to highlight the need for surge protectors on your computers and other high-end electronics and some of the myths that surround them.

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