Should You Rewrite Your Old Blog Posts?

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: January 21st, 2009

In a bit of nostalgia, I wondered what my first post on my blog was about. I dug back in time to read a post about Scott Richter that I could have sworn was not written in 1999.

As I thumbed through a couple of pages of posts I was stunned by my poor writing, misspellings, broken links, and utter lack of an understanding for SEO.

Most of my old posts probably didn’t rank for anything organically as a result, so I decided to rework them a bit to at least have a shot at bringing new visitors in through the search engines.

The whole time I was working I was wondering if editing my old blog posts was some kind of blogging sin, or if it was innocent and made no difference to my readers. Here are some of the changes I made. Tell me what you think.

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