Schrock Trains Technicians VERY Young – Secret to Success

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: September 18th, 2009

A couple days back I stopped into the shop to drop some things off and I had my 3-year old son Jake with me.

After a few minutes the guys had him up on a stool and working – and Jake loved it!

Jacob Schrock Fixing Laptop

Jacob Schrock Strips Laptop

Dell Inspiron E5150 Service Tag JKXQHC1 is STOLEN

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: May 17th, 2009

The Lincoln, NE Police Department is looking for a Dell Inspiron notebook with service tag JKXQHC1. It was stolen in Lincoln, NE on or around May 13, 2009.

If you have any information about the location of this notebook, please contact the Lincoln Police Department’s non emergency number at 402-441-6000.

Back to School Computer Shopping Guide

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: July 18th, 2008

After working through a few of these calls and emails, I decided to author a short 12 page Back to School Computer Shopping Guide that would contain all of the basics you need to know when buying a new home office or back to school computer.

Centrino Users Need to Patch Their Laptop & Notebook Computers NOW

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: August 28th, 2006

If you own a laptop or a notebook equipped with an Intel Centrino processor, you need to manually install a patch NOW, or your computer could be taken over by anyone with some technical savvy. Oh, by the way, if you have already installed the patch, keep reading. You are not out of the woods yet.

Over the past week, a vulnerability has been exposed in Intel’s PROSet wireless networking software that comes preinstalled on all notebook computers equipped with an Intel Centrino processor. Apparently, there is a security flaw in the PROSet wireless software that can allow an unauthorized user to take complete control of a laptop or notebook computer that is equipped with an Intel Centrino processor. You can download the Schrock Innovatiosn “Detect and Patch” utility here to see if your system is effected.

Notebook Line Marks Fundamental Shift at Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: July 23rd, 2006

If you fail to ride the wave of change you will find yourself beneath it. For the past 4 weeks that overused motivational phrase has been my compass as all of the employees of Schrock from our web developers to our technicians have come together to launch a new chapter in Schrock Innovations history.

As many of you may have heard on the radio Saturday, I launched Schrock’s 2006 Back to School Sale. For the first time ever, we are now carrying notebook computers in stock. While I could bore you with all of the logistics and reasons we have not done this in the past, I think it is much more interesting to explain why it is important for the future.

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