Fix Your Website to Work with IE8

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: March 21st, 2009

Schrock Innovations Web Development Team has been busy the past few days testing our clients’ website to make certain they will display properly in IE8. In the coming weeks, IE 8 will be pushed to every Windows XP and Vista user through Windows Update.

If your webs-ite is not compliant, it could look awful in the new browser, and your company’s image could be slighted in the eyes of millions of web surfers world-wide (IE is still the most widely used browser by far).

So what do you need to do to see if your website is impacted? Follow these steps below to check your website and then take steps to correct the problem.

Internet Explorer 8 Will Break Thousands of Websites Today

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: March 19th, 2009

Microsoft’s long-awaited Internet Explorer version 8 is complete and will be released this morning via at 11 A.M. CST as well as the Internet Explorer 8 Website and thousands of websites will be instantly broken by the new browser.

Everything about IE8 is pretty much run of the mill with a couple exceptions. IE8 will conform to standards set by other browsers such as Mozilla’s Firefox. As a result, websites that were coded to work exclusively on previous versions of IE may not display correctly in IE8.

If you own a website that is not displaying correctly in IE8, Schrock Innovations offers a special program where our web design staff can bring your website into compliance at a discounted hourly rate. Contact Schrock Innovations for more information on the program.

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