New Malware Threat Targets Mozilla FireFox

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  • Written on: September 16th, 2006

A new chapter in the history of Mozilla’s Open Source browser, FireFox, was started this week as the first ever recorded FireFox malware infection was reported. The infection reportedly caused popups to appear on the users computer and defied all reasonable attempts at removal. The Schrock Innovations MCHE research team has investigated this infection, and […]

Internet Explorer Users Urged to Use FireFox Temporarily

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: September 15th, 2006

After Microsoft released a whole new batch of security patches early this week, a new and previously unknown security vulnerability in Internet Explorer could allow websites to corrupt the memory of computers running the Microsoft web browser. I am recommending that all computer users temporarily switch to the FireFox browser until a patch is released for this latest flaw. You can download Firefox free of charge at

As a rule, Microsoft releases patches once each month on “Patch Tuesday.” In these releases, the company closes security loopholes and repairs newly discovered flaws in their software products. In an increasing trend, it appears that discoveries of new, previously unknown security problems are being posted to the Internet shortly after Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday. The new trend allows the flaws to go unremedied for a longer period of time and increases the likelihood that they will be exploited to attack computer users.

Firefox Advantages are Attractive

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: June 2nd, 2006

Maybe it is the fact that I am exposed to my programming staff many hours a day, or maybe it is because the FireFox browser is better than Internet Explorer… I am almost using Firefox as much as IE now.

If you have not downloaded Firefox, I recommend you do so and see what I am talking about. You can get Firefox free at While it takes a little longer initially to open FireFox, it does seem to surf a little more quickly.

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