Conficker Virus Draws TV Stations to Schrock Innovations
- Comments: 0
- Written on: April 5th, 2009
The non-event that was the Conficker virus sparked a ton of media attention on April 1. In one afternoon two TV crews visited the new Schrock Innovations Computer Repair Service Center in Lincoln, NE to talk about the virus.
In both interviews I predicted that the virus would be a non-event, but that the bot network left behind could be leveraged at a later date for just about anything.
Conficker Virus Strikes April 1 – What You Need to Know
- Comments: 2
- Written on: March 31st, 2009
Over the past few days there has been a lot of concern about the Conficker virus that is expected to strike on April 1, 2009. Callers to my radio show asked me if they should be concerned, and my answer was pretty straight forward.
If the following describes you, you should be relatively safe from the Conficker virus:
* You have a genuine (not illegal) copy of Windows
* You have up-to-date Antivirus Software from a company like Symantec (not free antivirus from your ISP or Free AVG)
* You are current with your Windows Updates
* You can get to the website
With that said, there are also important details about this infection that you should know to help keep your friends and relatives safe as well.