Corporate Acquisition Group Issues Valuation Refund

  • Comments: 11
  • Written on: April 6th, 2009

I am leaving my listing with Corporate Acquisitions Group because I believe that as the economy improves, Ty and his team are the people I want brokering my business.

You should know that I have contacted every single person who has posted a comment on my blog with something nasty to say about Ty or his company. I asked all of them to provide me a copy of a letter, an email, even notes from a phone call to document their claims. Not a single person did.

It has also been popular to try and associate Ty with a group of people who are under an investigation by the Secret Service for perpetrating some kind of fraud with a service guarantee that is similar to the one Ty offers. I can now report to you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that Ty is an honest businessman and there is no credible connection between him and these other people that always seem to come up in the comments section.

If anything more develops, I will keep you posted. Also from this point I *will be comment scrubbing on this post*

Corporate Acquisitions Group Valuation Refund Letter Mails Today

  • Comments: 12
  • Written on: March 18th, 2009

Some of you might remember that I wrote a post about a business I was trying to find an investor for through Corporate Acquisitions Group. The one year anniversary of that business listing is coming up on the 25th of March, and my agreement with Corporate Acquisitions Group states that if they can not find an investor for me, they will refund the $7,500 cost of the initial business valuation that was performed.

The agreement states:

Corporate Acquisitions Group will introduce a qualified buyer or investor that is interested in purchasing the above named company at a fair market value or Corporate Acquisitions Group will refund the dollar amount listed above.

My initial post generated a little controversy, as well as some strange phone calls and emails from people who claim that Corporate Acquisitions Group never paid them a refund, and some truly negative comments from readers about the company’s owner, Ty Tymkovich himself.

It is important to note that I have asked those who contacted me to provide copies of letters they claim to have received, but they will not. I have asked to see copies of the Service Agreement they signed, as I did, and they can’t produce one. This is the Internet and anyone can write ANYTHING. I have made the decision to find the reality in this situation myself and promise to share it with all of my readers.

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