Scott Long Adds Years of Experience to Schrock’s Lincoln Service Center

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: May 5th, 2009

I tend to welcome my employees unofficially on my blog once they have worked for us for a few weeks and we know they are the real deal.

In fact, it’s almost an inside joke among Schrock’s employees that once you make it on Thor’s blog you know you are good to go.

If that’s the case, then I am happy to report that Schrock’s newest employee, Scott Long, is good to go.  Scott will be taking on a management role in the Lincoln Service Center.

Scott brings an official Apple certification to Schrock as well as additional HP and Dell certifications.  Anyone who has been through the certification process for these three companies understands the training and experience required to gain these certifications.  His presence in the service center will help us keep our turnaround times to same-day or next day.

The fist week that Scott was on the job he negotiated better rates on our office printing solutions, immediately jumped in offering “Schrock Style” service to customers in the service center, and managed our work flow to get our customers’ computers off the bench and back in their hands quickly.

Most importantly, the addition of Scott has allowed me to take a much-needed vacation with my wife and son in Disney World, so that may have accelerated this “good-to-go” post as well.  🙂

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