Schrock Hires Alison Clausen as Communication Coordinator

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: April 23rd, 2009

One of the things that made Schrock Innovations a leader in the local computer repair market over the past 10 years was the company’s ability to communicate with its customers in a personal and meaningful way.

Schrock Innovations has hired Alison “Ali” Clausen to occupy a new position as Communication Coordinator that will help ensure the company continues to lead its competition with every customer interaction.

Schrock has grown considerably since the late 1990’s and consultants have told me that it is inevitable that our levels of customer contact and service will have to go down for the company to grow to the next level.

When I started Schrock there were very intelligent business minds who told me what I was attempting to do was impossible, and with the help of some of the most talented and dedicated technicians in Lincoln, we proved them wrong.  I refuse to believe that we can’t do it again.

Ali is a Lincoln, Nebraska native and recently graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelors of Science degree in Interactive Digital Media.

Alison’s specialties include mastery of standard marketing tools, as well as a deep understanding of the latest trends in digital media communication and communication systems design.

In plain English, Ali will be the person that ensures that Schrock is providing the levels of service that our customers expect every day and in every interaction.  Ali’s skills will bolster our email, SMS messaging, social networking, and regular old telephone communication systems to meet the challenges of a growing company in the 21st century.

Your task is not a small one, Ali!  Welcome aboard!

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