Generate Traffic with Twitter and TwitterFeed

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: April 9th, 2008

I will admit that I was a little slow getting on the Twitter bandwagon. I just didn’t understand how posting short little updates about what I was doing would benefit me or my business efforts in any way. After all, I hardly ever touch my MySpace, Facebook, or other social networking platforms as it is.

One day on a whim I set up a Twitter account and subscribed to a few friends like Shoemoney and Jenstar. I watched as Jeremy used twitter to bring additional traffic to his blog and connect with his readers in a new and interesting way.

When you use Twitter, you post very brief updates on what you are doing at the moment. The website supports mobile integration, so you can subscribe to SMS alerts on your favorite people or update your own twitter right form your cell phone.

The more I started using Twitter, the more I got to know about some of the people I follow online and the more I realized that this is something that could be HUGE in building my brand, building my traffic, and in turn building my business revenue.

I started manually syndicating my blog posts to twitter when I realized that there is a service called Twitterfeed that does it all for you automatically!

Twitterfeed monitors your blog’s RSS feed and then syndicated new entries to your feed directly to your Twitter. From what I can see online, usage of the service is growing rapidly – so rapidly their server can’t seem to keep up. I actually could not sign up for an account yesterday because their server was down.

Before every MLM freakaziod out there starts spamming people on Twitter, you should note that there is a right way and a wrong way to use Twitter and maintain the effectiveness of the platform. Technosailor posted about the Golden Rule of Twitter Marketing and it is a good read. He gives an example of how NBC’s Today Show has a spammy twitter that 700-some suckers follow for some reason.

I am loving Twitter, and by syndicating my blog posts to my Twitter followers, I am sure I will increase my readership as well. you can follow me on Twitter at

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