Extended Stay America in Las Vegas Sucks

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: April 2nd, 2008

I have just been exposed to the most ascinine internet policy I have EVER heard. I am in Vegas for Leadscon 08 and the Palms was full, so I tried to save a buck by staying at the Extended Stay America across the street from the Palms.

The room is decent, noise is bad, and the girl at the front desk is nice enough even if she doesn’t know an IP address from a zip code…

But the thing that really burns me is that first off, I had to pay $9.99 a night for a weak a$$ wireless internet signal. I’m missing my wife and son hard core, so we video conferenced for 10 minutes than I started downloading Top Affiliate Challenge audition videos so I could post process them and upload them to the site.

Suddenly my internet goes dead. I try to reconnect… No luck. I disabled and reenabled my adapter… No luck… I call the front desk…Waste of my time.

Then I get a call from the hotel’s internet management company. They banned my IP Address for excessive bandwidth usage. I was shocked! I am paying $10 for about three hours of usage and you ban me?

So I asked what exactly is the kind of activity that will get me banned so I can avoid it in the future. The lady on the phone told me in broken English not to watch YouTube videos and to restrict my use to “normal” web pages and email only to avoid a repeat ban.

So needless to say, I can’t upload any of my Leadscon photos, I can’t work on Top Affiliate Challenge, and I can’t watch Charles Trippy’s latest video for fear of the “internet Nazi” (reference to the Seinfeld Soup Nazi) banning my account again. I guess I am “slowing down their network.”

I think I will check out in the morning and inform the front desk manager that I am with Hotels.com and that I was not impressed. If only I had a clipboard…

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