Under Armour Care Package From CPA Empire

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: March 24th, 2008

CPA Empire Under Armour JacketA few weeks ago I posted about the cool Under Armour suits the guys from CPA Empire were wearing at Affiliate Summit West.

A few days ago a mysterious FedEx box arrived in my Lincoln Service Center. I wasn’t expecting anything, so I had Jenn open it in case it was a bomb or something (kidding).

Turns out it was an Under Armour Jacket, long sleeve T, and skull cap from CPA Empire! I was totally surprised. I guess I am the only guy on planet Earth who didn’t know that owning Under Armour gear raises a normal person’s street cred. In fact, my staff thought I was uber cool for buying anything from Under Armour!

CPA Empire Long Sleeve TBut their new-found respect for the boss faded as they found out that coolness had been thrust upon me by the kind and gentle hands at CPA Empire.

My wife immediately confiscated the Under Armour jacket, and the shirt was too small for my fat gut. Never the less we put it to good use. Kim’s dad got the long sleeve T, Jacob got the cap, and I told Kim she could keep the jacket IF she let me post a pic of her in it on my blog.

Jacob Thugs Out in CPA Empire Under Armour CapWhile we had the camera out, we snapped a few additional pics. As usual, baby Jacob hammed it up or the camera and insisted on diplaying the coolness factor his father lacks.

But the best part of all was when baby Jacob sported the skull cap in true thug fashion. He insisted on having his shirt off and leaving just enough diaper hanging out so he would be considered cool.

Thanks to CPA Empire and Jaclyn Charles for the cool gear! I am looking forward to the awesome party CPA Empire holds for its top affiliates!

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