Name This Blog Contest – New Theme Update

  • Comments: 34
  • Written on: December 2nd, 2007

Sorry this has become such a production, but I have switched themes a couple times in the past and I really want to get it right this time.

Here’s a quick update of what I have done so far, what I need to do, and what you can do to earn $25 via PayPal for helping me out.

Progress Report

1) Plugins

  • I have installed the DoFollow Plugin (feel free to make a comment and get a free backlink)
  • I have installed the Sexy Comments plugin (shows avatars in comments and formats them in a forum-like style – I also modified the CSS to make the text slightly easier to read)
  • I have installed the AdMan plugin (to earn the blogs $1.58 per day average)
  • I have installed the All-in-One SEO Pack Plugin
  • I have installed the Google Sitemaps Plugin
  • I have installed the Subscribe to Comments plugin

2) Blogroll

  • I have Added a couple of my most frequent readers to my blogroll. Let me know if I forgot anyone.

3) Header

  • I removed the text name and description of my blog from the top of the page to recover some top-fold space.

4) Content

  • I will begin generating actual, relevant content again with my post tomorrow – theme ready or not.

To Do List

  1. New Header Coming Soon!

    I am working on getting a new header image done to replace my piddle dog header that came with the default template… Although the little guy is starting to grow on me 🙂

  2. Top Commentators Plugin

    There are a ton of these out there. Which do you guys recommend?

  3. Site Re-Launch Contest

    I want to run a contest of some kind to promote the site’s new look and feel. I have bought a 23″ LCD display to give away (about a $300 value) but its just not doing it for me. What kind of prizes trip your triggers?

  4. Advertising and Monetization

    I am worried about content, readers, traffic, and then monetization in that order.

    But I need to get my theme optimized for ads up front. So to get the ball rolling, I am going to offer some ad spots for $10 a month via PayPal. I get about 2,000 unique visitors a week, in case you need to know what your $10 buys.

    As for ad space, I have no idea where it will be yet except for the banner you see at the top of the page now. Drop a comment if you are interested or email me (tschrock

  5. MAKE $25! A New Name, Logo, Favicon and Avatar

    This is something I have thought long and hard about, but the Thor Schrock Marketing and Technology Blog is just not doing it for me anymore.

    I need suggestions for new names for my blog. If you suggest a name and I use it, I will send you $25 via PayPal.

    The name needs to convey that this is a blog about online marketing and the technology behind it.

    That’s it! Lots of info that you may or may not care about, and lots of nice open ended questions that just beg for comments. Drop a comment to get a free nofollow backlink and suggest a name to have a shot at the $25!

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