Had Enough Shoemoney Yet?

  • Comments: 5
  • Written on: November 20th, 2007

Ok, so three days of Shoemoney is a lot – especially when he is talking to/about me. But what he is really known for is making money online – LOTS OF MONEY.

I recently had the opportunity to preview a manuscript of “The Shoemoney Playbook.” There is a lot you don’t know about Shoemoney like the fact that he made $12 million IN PROFIT online over the past 5 years.

I can’t give up all of the nuggets in his upcoming book, but what I can tell you is that he was willing to give some of them up in an interview I conducted with him about how his Viral Relationships have transformed his business and his life.

In the interview, Shoe talks about how to approach bloggers of status, and how not to approach them. He talks about some of the key people and moments in his online career. If you want to see a behind the scenes success story that you can emiulate, you need to watch this interview.

To watch the interview, please visit www.viralrelationships.com and enter your name and email address. A link will be emailed to you to take you to the page with the interview. You can watch it online or download it to your media center to watch later in HD.

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