Do you Have a Contacts List, or Do you Build Viral Relationships?

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: August 7th, 2007

There is an old adage that says “its not what you know, its who you know.” While some people may disagree about how far you can get without any core knowledge, it is undoubtedly true that people with contacts make it further in business than people who don’t have them.

So what is the difference between the list of people that most of us keep in our Outlook, and those key relationships that transform our businesses? The relationships that end up being key to our success are the stuff that legends are made of.

Viral relationships spread through a company like a virus, infecting culture, outcomes, and profitability. Leveraging the right viral relationship can make or break a small business.

What is a Viral Relationship?

A viral relationship happens when one connection between two people in business is so powerful that it can pull an entire organization in a new direction.

A mere contact becomes a viral relationship when people are willing to help each other without a direct benefit in the short term. These people help propel us in new directions with a few mere words or actions.

Viral Relationships are KEY!

If you look far enough into an any successful business story, there is a relationship that was instrumental in touching off something huge. Those somethings propel businesses that would have been mildly successful to near legendary status.

I made have developed several viral relationships throughout Schrock Innovations’ success. In fact, I don’t think we would be here today if it were not for a few key relationships that have proven invaluable over the past 7 years.

So How Can I Build A Viral Relationship?

Is there a formula that a business person could follow to develop the key relationships predictably time and time again? I believe there is. I believe I have found a way to quantify that formula so it can be repeated time and time again.

I will be sharing this formula soon. In the meantime, reply to this post with examples of Viral Relationships in your business or life. I may contact you for more information and let you in on the secret!

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