New Compute This Show Posted – No NIM News

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: June 30th, 2007

Today’s Compute This show is posted on the Schrock Innovations Radio page for your listening pleasure.

For the first time in weeks I did not ask a single person to vote for me in the Next Internet Millionaire competition. However, I DID ask people to vote for Schrock Innovations as the best computer repair company in the Best of Lincoln Competition!

A lot of you have been IMing and emailing me asking me if I earned a seat on the Next Internet Millionaire show. The short answer is I know the results of all of our efforts, but I can not disclose them yet.

The producers of the show are working hard to keep this information quiet so they can build suspense for the show. They will be releasing two candidates each week at and I don’t want to undermine that by releasing my results just yet.

Please don’t assume anything from my answer. If I would have made it I would have probably been asked to keep quiet about it. If I didn’t make it I would not announce that until they were done with their promotional efforts.

With that aside, today’s show was great! Chris Goforth was cooking on about 2 hours of sleep and three Red Bull energy drinks and the calls were flowing!

One gentleman called and asked how he could get his computer to stop popping up the dial-up box now that he has high speed Internet. Another caller had purchased a used computer and needed to know how to boot into safe ode on Windows ME.

Of course we talked about the Summer Computer Special at Schrock Innovations, where you can buy a complete computer system for a mere $599!

If you missed the show, be sure to listen to the archived audio on the website and we will be talking to you again next week at 10 AM on KFOR 1240. By the way, if you live out of the Lincoln listening area, you can listen here online.

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