Tip #23 – Use Your Blog as a Gateway to Other Sites You Own

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: April 23rd, 2007

Advertisers are willing to pay you when you send them traffic through contextual ad, affiliate ads, and website reviews because they understand that website traffic is worth money. Don’t forget that the same rule applies to you!

If you spend the time creating quality content and building a loyal readership, take the time to write reviews your own websites as well. This is a great way to monetize your blog traffic.

Link off to your own website from the review on your blog. Then place ads on the reviewed websites rather than directly on your blog. This way you retain control of how the link opens when your readers click the link on your blog. You can set the new site to open in a new Tab or in a new window, and therefore preserve your readership while enjoying income from the monetized website you directed your reader to.

Once your readership is on your monetized website, you can use any variety of mechanisms including contextual ads, affiliate ads, subscriptions, or any other method imaginable to monetize your own traffic. A great example of this is where I post about a new tutorial that is available on the Schrock Innovations Website.

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