Tip #17 – Long Posts vs. Short Posts

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: April 23rd, 2007

An ongoing debate in the blogging community is whether readers appreciate long posts versus short posts. While this debate will rage on no matter what is said here, i can give you some hints from my experience.

Long posts are better for dealing with highly technical concepts that require explanation to be understood. These posts are typically micro-targeted to a very specific audience, or used over a period of time as a reference.

For example, Schrock Innovations‘ customers ask me why a Modular CP is better than a store bought “canned” PC. I have answered that question so many times that I decided to write a 4,000 word blog post explaining EXACTLY why a Modular PC is better. Then I had the Schrock webmaster link from the Schrock home page to my blog post so everyone could read the answer if they wanted.

On the other hand, short posts are more likely to be read, and after all, brevity is the soul of wit 🙂

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