Tip #16 – Roll the Credits!

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: April 23rd, 2007

As your blog readership grows, it becomes more an more important that you protect your credibility. Like any journalist working for a major news outlet, one misreported story can harm your reputation for accurate and informative information (just ask the NY Times).

The best way to defend yourself when reporting information that you have not researched yourself is to credit your source. This way if the information is wrong, you can write a whole new blog entry about how the blogger you sourced had his facts messed up.

In addition, whenever you use the work of another blogger you should ALWAYS give credit with a link back to the post that contains the original information. This encourages the original blogger to keep up the great work, introduces your readers to more solid information and provides you with a valuable blogging relationship.

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