What’s With the Google Toolbar Lately?

  • Comments: 7
  • Written on: April 16th, 2007

My Google Toolbar has become a much appreciated accessory in my browser window. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I visited the Google website to conduct a search – I just run them through the toolbar.

But both my wife (3.8 GHz XP Home 1 GB RAM) and myself (1.6 GHz Dual Core, Vista Ultimate, 2 GB RAM, 512 ReadyBoost) have been noticing the toolbar has been really slow for the past couple days. We are both using the Internet Explorer version of the toolbar.

When I type a search into the toolbar and press enter, I have to wait up to 15 seconds for the search to execute. Sometimes I have to click 2 or three times on the “go” link to get a results page.

A new version of the toolbar was automatically downloaded to all users a few days ago, and I am suspicious there might be a glitch. Google suggests that the toolbar’s PageRank feature might be the culprit, but I use that feature and do not want to disable it.

If you are having problems with the toolbar let me know so we can narrow the problem and post a response. If your toolbar seems slow too, please post your operating system and browser name (IE, FireFox, etc…)

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