NPMMOL Location FinalizedRSVP NOW for April 24th Meet Up

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: April 16th, 2007

I received word this afternoon that the location for the April 24th Meetup of the Nebraska People Making Money Online Group has been finalized. The meetup will be held in Omaha this month (Lincoln had it last month) at:

Turnpost Creative Group
17330 Wright Street Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68130

The meetup starts at 6:30, and a nice dinner (Lasagna, cheesebread, salad and brownies) will be served for $10.00. At the time of this post, there are still 10 spots left for people who wish to RSVP. For those who can’t attend for some reason, I am exploring the possibility of taping the presentation and posting it on my blog after the event.

I will be speaking on creating, promoting and monetizing your blog. I will have some fresh research data to present that has not been published elsewhere, as well as some techniques I have perfected that will help you improve your Technorati ranking without getting banned.

If all of that is not enough to get you to RSVP, you should also know that I will be giving a free gift to everyone who attends that exceeds the $10 cost of the dinner. So what do you have to lose? If you are a blogger or a webmaster thinking of launching a blog and you want to learn how to get more readers and make more money, this is the place to be!

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