Best Buy Purchases Schrock Innovations

  • Comments: 20
  • Written on: April 1st, 2007

Syndicate This I have been hinting around for the past few months that something new is coming, and after FINALLY signing the last of the paperwork this morning, I can confirm publicly that Schrock Innovations has been purchased By Best Buy’s Geek Squad.

Current Schrock customers will be able to bring their computers to Schrock’s Lincoln and Omaha Service Centers for the next few months until the Schrock staff is fully integrated into the Geek Squad. Most employees will be absorbed into the Lincoln Geek Squad location, while Omaha employees will be sent to Kansas City to work in the Best Buy software divisions in supporting roles.

So I know the question I am going to get all day long is why did I sell out? Why would I take an established brand name like Schrock Innovations and sell it to Best Buy. How could I subject my customers to standing in line at a window waiting for a computer repair? What about all of the “Modular” computers that we have out there? Who will support them…

These are all questions that will be answered in the coming few days here on this blog. Why did I sell out? There were two primary reasons. First they knew that Schrock Innovations had a service reputation that exceeded all others in Nebraska, so they offered me a BOATLOAD of money to sell.

Secondly, the Geek Squad assured me that my current customers would be given preference in any circumstance that allowed it. By selling my business to Best Buy and the Geek Squad, I am indirectly helping thousands of people in Nebraska that we currently do not reach by training their staff and managers in proper service techniques.

So I guess there is not much else to say. I will be maintaining this blog as a separate website, so please feel free to direct your personal questions and help requests to me using the comments section below.

Thank you for 8 years of great relationships, fun, and success.

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