The Truck is Home Again!

  • Comments: 3
  • Written on: March 30th, 2007

I had never realized how much my family depends on having two vehicles available until my truck had to go into the body shop for 10 days and my wife graciously shared her minivan with me.

During the last blizzard (yes the one two days before the 70-degree weather) I chose to drive my truck into the office to complete a computer for a customer who HAD to have the PC back that day so he could leave town.

In retrospect, it was not the wisest choice I have made in a while, but I thought my 4-wheel-drive and good tires would keep me safe and get me where I needed to be. Technically, the truck did great getting me where I needed to go. I managed to make the typically 15-minute drive in just under an hour. I completed the computer and took advantage of the quiet time in the office to catch up on emails and do some blogging and development work.

Once I was done, I hit the road again for home. The conditions were about as bad as when I had driven in, so I took it slow again. I was doing 35 MPH on the interstate when I was cut off by another vehicle that thought it would be ok to drive 55 MPH through a snow drift. Quickly they figured out why I was driving so slowly, and decided they should slow down too. Right in front of me. Suddenly. *sigh*

I had two choices – rear end a brand new Lexus (didn’t even have plates on it yet), or take the center wall. I chose the wall, and completely demolished my truck’s grill, right front fender, bumper, and headlight assembly. Needless to say I uttered some choice words as the guy driving the Lexus didn’t even look back to see the results of his fine driving.

I ended up having my truck repaired at Dingman’s collision center in Omaha, and that is why I am blogging about this today. I got my baby back this afternoon, and the work that they did was phenomenal. They lived up to their claim of being the best in town, as their staff (especially Mary who fielded my repeated phone calls for status reports) painstakingly restored every aspect of my vehicle to precise specification.

The truck looks and runs absolutely perfectly again thanks to the fine work of Dingman’s Collision Center and the prompt payment from American Family Insurance (Thanks for talking me into the full coverage Jeff Johnson).

I will definitely be thinking twice before I assume that a 4×4 with good tires can conquer any terrain. Let this be a lesson to you children! 4-wheel drive may keep your vehicle moving in the right direction, but there will always be somebody else to watch out for on the road and they may not be so well equipped!

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