New Compute This Show Posted – Special 1.5 Hour Show

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: March 20th, 2007

The latest Compute This show has been posted on our Compute This page.

This week’s show was a little longer than usual, about an hour an a half. The extra time allowed us to take a lot more callers than usual and dish out a ton of help.

As usual, we talked about the Schrock Innovations Website and this blog. A caller called into the show to ask me if there was anything I could do to make the blog more accessible to the visually impaired.

We have been working hard to make all of our software and websites accessible to ALL computer users, but on this blog if you want to post a comment you are presented with a visual challenge puzzle called a captcha. A captcha requires a visitor to look at the image and type the letters in to a box to complete your comment. These devices are used to slow the torrent of spam that is auto generated by computers attempting to post on the blog. Without the captcha, we would be receiving about 12 spam comments a day on the blog.

The down side is that if you are visually impaired, you can’t look at the captcha, and therefore can not comment. I have investigated audio captcha and while there are none available for the Nucleus CMS at this time, we may actually design one and release it as an open source plug in. Until then, I do have a work around that will allow visually impaired users to post on this blog.

I can create an account for each individual user that allows you to log in before posting a comment. The log in box is off to the right of the screen. Once you have logged in, the captcha requirement is removed from the comments box and you can freely comment on any post. My contact information is in the right sidebar of this blog. If you are visually impaired, please email me or call our service center and we will get the information required to set up an account and email you a user name and password.

In other news, another major update was released for the MCHE V2 software. This update resolves multiple problems that our beta testers experienced with the Home Edition over the last week. There are a couple more fixes in the pipeline, but the software is coming along nicely, albeit behind schedule.

I also answered questions from callers about the Ultimate Upgrade computer sale, getting high speed Internet in a rural area, and more.

Next week’s show will be the standard one hour program, and I am looking forward to talking with you then! You can listen on Saturday morning from 10-11am in Lincoln, NE at 1240 on your AM dial, or if you are outside of Lincoln, you can listen online live. If you can’t listen live, you can always listen to the show once it is in the archives.

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