Ultimate Upgrade Sale Launched

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: March 8th, 2007

Last Saturday on Compute This I announced that we will be launching our Ultimate Upgrade sale one month early this year.

We had planned on running a sale this month on upgrading to Windows Vista, but the problems I experienced upgrading my own PC have given me pause about subjecting our customers to that headache. So instead, we moved the Ultimate Upgrade sale up by a month to give Microsoft another months to work out some additional Vista kinks.

Aside from our Holiday Sale, the Ultimate Upgrade sale is our most popular computer sale of the year. During the sale, you can trade in your old, tired PC for a hefty discount on a brand new Schrock Innovations Modular PC.

With your trade, the new Modular system is only $499 and includes a DVD-RW drive, Windows Vista or Windows XP (your choice), a 200 GB hard drive, 1 GB or DDR2 memory, and an Athlon 64 X2 3800+ processor. Typically our tower-only system costs $800, so when you trade in an old PC for recycling, it is almost like getting a $400 discount on the new PC!

For more information about the Ultimate Upgrade sale, visit our computer sale website.

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