Daylight Savings Switch NOT a Mini-Y2K

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: March 7th, 2007

I was interviewed today by KFOR 1240, a local AM radio station in Lincoln Nebraska about the new daylight savings time change and its expected impact.

The bottom line is that the sun will come up tomorrow and life will move on. If you are running Windows XP or Vista, chances are everything has already been taken care of by your automatic updates. (If you disabled auto-updating, you might want to visit now to get critical updates.)

If you are running Windows 95, 98, or ME, life will go on, all be it an hour off schedule for a few weeks. These operating systems no longer receive Microsoft patches, and therefore remain unprotected against the daylight savings time changes imposed by Congress. Thanks to Dave Lucas, there is now a patch that Windows 9x users can install that will bring their systems into compliance.

Click “Read More” for a link to the patch and installation instructions for Windows 95, 98 and ME users only.

You can download the Windows 9x daylight savings time 2007 patch here. This patch will give your Windows 9x systems all of the information needed to accurately behave in accordance with the new DST rules.

To install the patch:

  • Click on the link above and SAVE the file to your DESKTOP (the location IS important – DO NOT click run)
  • Double left click on the file you just saved to import it into your Windows registry
  • Click Yes to any security warnings that pop up (there should be 2 of them)

That’s all there is to it! Your Windows 9x computer should now be good to go!

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