The 10 Days of Home Edition Version 2 – The All-New Real Time Scanning Engine

  • Comments: 13
  • Written on: February 15th, 2007

This post is the second in a 10-post series about the all-new version 2 of the Maintenance Checkup Home Edition (MCHE) computer maintenance software from Schrock Innovations. You can win a FREE 2-year subscription by simply posting a comment on any of the MCHE posts. Only one free subscription will be given away, so post multiple comments or questions with your valid email address to increase your odds of winning!

One of the single greatest improvements in the all-new version 2 of the Maintenance Checkup Home Edition (MCHE) is the addition of a real-time scanning engine.

In the 2005 version of the MCHE you had to allow your computer to become infected with malware before you could clean up the infection. Now the MCHE will detect malware the moment it attempts to activate on your computer, stop it in its tracks, and ask you what to do. You can decide whether or not to allow the malware to run on a case by case basis, or you can set the MCHE to always remove the malware without interrupting you at all. A small balloon notifies you that the MCHE protected your computer from an attempted malware infection.

You might think that monitoring your computer constantly would significantly slow your PC down, but thanks to some smart programming by our software engineers, the MCHE monitors your computer with ease.

Most security programs monitor points of entry like web browsers, email messages, instant messages, and file transfers. As more points of entry are exploited by an ever-increasing number of threats, security programs use more and more resources to monitor them.

Rather than working harder, the MCHE works smarter. By watching programs as they launch, the MCHE is able to separate the programs that could harm your computer from those that are safe. If a threatening program is detected, it can be paused, closed, and then the program and its associated files can be deleted.

A smarter real-time scanner means that the MCHE uses fewer system resources than many other security programs on the market today. More importantly, the addition of a real-time scanner in the MCHE means your personal information and privacy are safer than ever.

Check back tomorrow to learn about how version 2 of the MCHE automatically updates its program files and malware detections and gets smarter every time it removes malware from your computer.

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