Schrock Innovations Teams Up With The Blaze to Web-cast Mayoral Debate
- Comments: 2
- Written on: February 5th, 2007
For some time now Schrock Innovations has been working with 104.1 Pure Rock the Blaze to establish four streaming web cams in their radio studio. On Tuesday morning, the Blaze will hold the first Mayoral debate in their studios, and Schrock innovations is proud to provide the technology that will bring the debate to your computer screen.
While you listen to the candidates on 104.1 you can watch the debate live on the Schrock Innovations Blaze Cams. We have moved the camera page from Clear Channels servers to our local-Lincoln web server to ensure there is adequate bandwidth available for the event.
The three candidates will be standing behind podiums for the debate, which is scheduled to begin Tuesday morning at 8:30 AM. The Blaze is the only radio station that hosted 18 of the 20 City Council candidates. This is the first mayoral radio debate of this election cycle.
Of course, you can watch the Blaze Cams every morning as well!
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