Wellness One Selects Schrock Innovations to Equip New South Point Location
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- Written on: February 2nd, 2007
Schrock Innovations is teaming up with Wellness One of Lincoln to take over management of the company’s existing computer infrastructure as well as establish a network in their new South Point location scheduled to open March 5th.
Schrock technicians will be linking the two locations together so they can maintain one database of clients and payables without establishing an expensive online system or a VPN. Wellness One will also be the debut client for our latest software development, SecureStore web-based backup software.
Wellness One is primarily a chiropractic clinic that provides a higher standard of patient care than can be found at many smaller clinics in town. With services ranging from a basic adjustment to a cold-laser treatment, Wellness One is certainly on the cutting edge when it comes to innovative treatments right here in Lincoln, NE.
Our newest product, SI SecureStore is web-based backup software that automatically backs up important files and folders to a secure web server every night. With SecureStore companies can rest at ease knowing that their important data is stored off-site in an underground bank vault behind a 2-tom door. 100% secure and 100% reliable.
We anticipate that most of our corporate clients will move to this new backup solution shortly. With a 100 GB of SecureStore space priced at only $10.00/month it is more affordable than the time and materials required to backup
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