Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry Selects Schrock to Host and Maintain Website

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: January 8th, 2007

Starting today, Schrock Innovations is hosting and maintaining the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s website. The Chamber was faced with a challenging situation. Due to internal reasons, they had to move their website to a different hosting company. However, they also wanted the new hosting company to integrate web-based email with their Treo phones and Blackberries. With the legislative session starting on Monday, emails were flying fast and furious.

Schrock Innovations successfully migrated the Chamber’s website to our new web server, and successfully implemented web-based email for the Chamber’s 10 staffers.

According to IDC, a leading provider of IT research and advice, small and medium-sized businesses are increasingly outsourcing their Web design, hosting, and maintenance services. By 2008 IDC projects that approximately 80% of small businesses with a website will use outsourced web service providers.

If you have a small business with a website and are not satisfied with the service, support, or security of your web service provider, consider switching to Schrock Innovations. Call us or email anytime for a confidential quote.

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