A Wonderful Evening for a Great Cause!

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  • Written on: November 18th, 2006

Kim and I had a spectacular evening last night at the LIBA Holiday Ball and Auction. The event was held at the Lodge at Wilderness Ridge. Proceeds from the ticket sales and the auctions went to support the efforts of the LIBA Foundation.

For those of you who have never been to the Lodge before, I woudl strongly encourage you to make a point of having dinner there before Christmas. We arrived after dark for the event and were both amazed by the spectacular display of lights on the evergreen trees that line the winding road to the Lodge. Thier reflection off the water behind the trees was breath takjing, and an inspiring sight for any Christmas fanatic!

The food was also a welcome break from the usual convention hall menu. The meat was tender and juicy, the potatoes were perfect and the drinks (although expensive) were strong.

The Bobby Lane Orchestra played after the auction and it was great to see so many leaders in our community having a great time dancing and talking. The picture man was there to capture the evning’s hapenings, and I should have some images to share with you soon!

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