I got Snubbed by a Pete Ricketts Campaign Worker!

  • Comments: 0
  • Written on: October 31st, 2006

Ok, so maybe the title is a little misleading, but it was fun to write! A couple days ago I was driving through a Taco Bell drive thru picking up a highly-nutritious late evening dinner.

Right in front of me is a red SUV with magnetic Pete Ricketts signs on the side and www.peterickets.com across the back window.

I assumed this must be a campaign vehicle (seriously – who else would put magnetic political signs on their SUV) and being a Ricketts supporter, I wanted to buy their dinner for them.

After the Ricketts car had finished their order and pulled forward, I moved up to the speaker and told the confused Taco Bell employee that I wanted to buy their dinner. He said ok, took my order, and I pulled forward.

I watched the exchange between the employee and the Ricketts-mobile, and was a bit put off when the employee accepted money from the driver. The driver then looked in his mirrors at me for a few seconds, then looked away. Once they had their food they left, and I pulled forward.

The cashier immediately began defending him self as he explained that the driver insisted on paying and that he could not accept my offer.

These days I guess it is always wise for a politician to know who is buying dinner for their staff members, but the thing that steamed me a bit was that there was no thank-you for the offer. Not a wave, not a nod, nothing. While Pete Ricketts was not in the vehicle himself (it was a younger man driving), I though what a wasted opportunity. They have no idea who I am or that I would have blogged about that exchange. I can only hope the rest of his Omaha campaign staff is more personable.

I will still be voting for Pete Ricketts in 7 days, but I have to say that for a campaign in such a close race, if they lose by one or two votes maybe a simple drive through would have made all the difference.

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