MoviePass tweaks MediaPipe Cancellation Procedure – Makes it Harder to Cancel Shady Software Package

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: June 28th, 2006

For those of you who follow this blog, you have read about the MoviePass and MediaPipe software that seems to find its way on to people’s computers who have no recollection of installing it. The software is designed to provide you access to free video content and is usually installed when the user clicks on an advertisement online for free video content and installs their trial software.

30 days later, the MediaPipe software begins to demand its subscription fee though pop ups that increase in frequency until you pay.

There used to be a toll-free number to cancel the account that was opened in your name when you installed the MoviePass trial, but now that number is frequently too buy to get through, and when you do make it through it goes to voice-mail.The makers of MoviePass were undoubtedly barraged with callers seeking to cancel their accounts, so they have created a website where you can cancel your MoviePass subscription instead.

If you visit and you are infected with MoviePass you are granted access to the cancellation website. If you are not infected with MoviePass, then you are given a “You don’t have permission” message before you are redirected to a page that offers you the handy opportunity to reinfect yourself by clicking on a button.

We have updated our Remove MoviePass Tutorial with the latest variant information and updated cancellation instructions. We will keep you posted if anything new develops with these people and their software.

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